Bible Studies & Small Groups
Meets to pray for those on the prayer list and chain.
2nd & 4th Monday
11:30 am
In Prayer Chapel/Library.
Led by: Irene Parker
SEWING Circle - Lutheran World Relief
Tuesday Mornings
(except for when there are Bible Circles & WELCA Meetings)
Please refer to monthly calendar
Tuesday, February 4, 18 & 25
In Fellowship Hall.
We pack quilts, personal care kits, school kits & baby kits for Lutheran World Relief. Sending a Big Shipment out every Fall.
Anyone that likes to sew, work on quilts & doing other jobs
are more than welcome to join us.
Questions contact: Julia, Lane, Jeaneen or Jeanette
WOMEN'S Bible Study Circles - off for summer
2nd Tuesday of month
WELCA (Women of the ELCA) has three circles that gather
for Bible study, fellowship, prayer and service.
Hannah Circle - 10:00 am
In conference room 2.
Ruth Circle - 10:00 am
In conference room 1.
Anna Circle - 3:30 pm
In conference room 1.
Look for dates on monthly calendar.
7:00 pm
In conference room 1.
Led by: Tom Paul
MEN'S Thursday Bible Study
The Men are meeting weekly
Every Thursday Morning
7:00 am
In conference room 1.
Led by: Boyd Veer
PRIME TIMERS - Adult Senior Ministry
2nd Friday of the month - check monthly calendar
GET TOGETHER - History of Valentine
Friday, February 14th
11:00 am
In Fellowship Hall.
Theme: Bring a can of chili
KNITTING Group - Lutheran World Relief
3rd Monday of the month
Monday, February 17th
1:00 - 3:00 pm
In conference room 1.
One sweater/hat set goes into each layette set that goes to LWR.
This group uses a fun one piece sweater pattern.
Beginners are welcome and teaching is available.
Led by: Linda Anderson
WELCA - Women of the ELCA
WELCA General Meeting
Time: 10:00 am
In Fellowship Hall.
Contact Jeaneen Brogan, WELCA President
MELCA - Men of the ELCA
Men of ALC, our annual Brat Fest will be held on Saturday, August 10th starting at 2:00 pm at Boyd & Ginny Veer's place. Save the date and bring a friend and an old car if you have one!
POC: Chuck Landgraf