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Sunday School - PK- 5th grade
The Sunday School is from 9 - 9:45 am, October 6 through May
We will then all procced to Worship together at 10 am.
Family Sunday- 1st Sunday of the month
Remember the first Sunday of the month is Family Sunday and that means our children and youth take part in service.
Please sign up at the Opportunity desk or call the office to be a: Greeter ( includes passing out the children's selected 5 surprise words pastor has to incorporate in that day message), Usher, Acolyte, Read the Lesson and Prayers of the People. You may also provide your talent of music by singing, playing an instrument, read a poem or accept the noisy offering at
the end of service.
Here are some of our favorite resources for youngsters.
There are videos, coloring pages, games, weekly sermons, and so much more!
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