Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
We, the members of Anacortes Lutheran WELCA, dedicate our services with love to the glory and honor of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
What is WELCA?
Statement of Purpose
Stewardship of WELCA
Service Projects
Sewing Circle
Naomi Ministry
Women's Bible Study Circles
In a day when much about our lives is fractured, being in community with other people of faith is even more essential. It is in community that we find support, safety, and solace. By being in community with others, we take on their joys and concerns, as they take on ours.
The congregational, inter-congregational, and special units of Women of the ELCA offer an ideal place for women to gather in community, a place where the unique joys and concerns of women can be shared and experienced. All women are invited to be a part of WELCA, attend our Bible Studies and general meetings.
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
The Stewardship of WELCA includes Lutheran World Relief, the Food Banks and Friendship House in Mount Vernon for the homeless of Skagit County. Throughout the year we will be collecting items for current needs. We also adopt a family or two at Christmas through the Salvation Army.
WELCA hopes each woman will become involved with the below sponsored activities.
Friendship House -
Anacortes Food bank & Salacation Army Food bank
Lutheran World Relief - Sewing Circle
WIC (Women, Infants & Cildren)
Lutheran World Relief - Knitting Group
The Sewing Group meets each Tuesday, September through May, 9:00 am until 2:00 pm.
(except Bible Study Circle day - the second Tuesdsay)
We come together to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief and also make quilts for each child baptized at ALC and all graduating High School seniors.
Items for LWR Kits are also collected and assembled through this group.
(Baby Care Kits, Health Care Kits, Sewing Kits and School Kits)
This committee of women is available to church members who have lost a loved one. They plan and providefor a coffee hour or luncheon following the service, as the bereaved family desires; a time for sharing memories and fellowship with family & friends. Service groups will provide the help in cleaning up after an event.
There are three women's Bible Study Circles that meet on the Second Tuesday of the month. Hannah & Ruth meet at 10:00 am / Anna Circle meets at 3:30 pm.
Bible study takes up the greatest part of the meeting.