Hello and welcome! It is always so good to "see" you here. We have some special guests today... we have Scouts from our three Scout units joining us on this fifth Sunday after Epiphany. Cub Scout Pack 4084 has been Chartered by Anacortes Lutheran Church for 42 years. Boy Troop 4084B has been with Anacortes Lutheran for 19 years. Girl Troop 4084G is brand new, and will be one year old on the first of June this year. All units are successful and have worked hard to do good in our community and to make you proud. Several members of all three units worked to create a Covid safe plan to brave a musical bit to add to our worship service this week as well.
Changes are still being made to perfect our online worship, and unfortunately some working points had to take higher priority than others... so we still have not resolved the issue of embedding the live stream here. BUT, as always, you can go directly to our YouTube presentation of our live stream right here: https://youtu.be/AV895__tjbw
And as always, here is where you can read along: