Hello, and welcome to worship. While it is true, due to COVID, we've had to suspend in person worship, we are so extremely happy to see you here. The last few weeks were such a joy, and we do look forward to opening the sanctuary again.
Until then, the Sanctuary had been decorated, some grand memories shared, and we are kicking off the Advent season. Join us on Wednesdays as well, for Holden Evening Prayer. We've got a very special musical ensemble recorded just for you, and every week Pastor Rice has a special teaching from the Bible.
You can watch from YouTube, as we welcome each other in the live chat, at this link: https://youtu.be/BbA5EWZJgfY
Or if you prefer, you may watch directly from here.
This week's bulletin is here...
And Mr. Dave has this Skit Guys treat selected for this week: https://skitguys.com/sgtv/video/bedtime-bible-stories-s2e37-thanksgiving